How to Think Clearly in a Crisis

You don't wait until the day of the match to start working on your backhand.

Likewise, if you don't practice self regulation, you're setting yourself up for failure in an emotion emergency.

Similar to honing athletic abilities through consistent practice and training, self-regulation techniques and emotional management strategies can help you build resilience, handle stress better, and respond to emotions in a healthy and constructive way, but only if you practice them regularly.

Waiting until an "emotion emergency" to try to regulate your emotions is like attempting to play a high-stakes match without prior preparation. It's far more effective to proactively build your emotional regulation skills over time, so that when challenging situations arise, you are better equipped to handle them with composure and grace.

In essence, just as athletes invest time and effort into their training before a competition, investing in your emotional well-being through consistent self-regulation practices can significantly enhance your ability to navigate life's emotional challenges successfully.

The first step to practicing emotional regulation is the body scan. Read our post on how to begin your meditation practice and sign up for our newsletter for more easy meditation tips. 

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